About Me

Hello! My name is Mrs. Murley. I am a graduate from Clarke University with a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Elementary Education with a Reading and Coaching Endorsement. I have finished my student teaching experience at Resurrection Elementary in the kindergarten and third grade classroom. I have been teaching at St. Mary Immaculate Conception since 2009 in the Kindergarten classroom. I recently accepted a job working at Resurrection where I student taught in the Kindergarten classroom. I LOVE teaching kindergarten. It is a true passion of mine. I have a strong passion and eagerness to teach young children to become proficient and independent learners. I continue to strive to incorporate technology into the classroom. I believe technology gives students the building block to succeed in this technological driven society at a young age. We do so much in our classroom throughout the year with Ipads, Mimios, Clickers, and Flip Videos to develop our young learners. The students become successful, independent learners with all these devices and they enjoy learning with them.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What great weather we are getting here in Iowa!! I would love it if readers of this blog became "followers." There is a button on the right side of the blog that says "join this site" click and and join in on the fun!!!!

The Kindergarten students are continuing their chick process along with starting a plant unit. We just planted radishes, carrots, and onions. We use the Rootvue system which allows the students to watch the roots grow. There is a window the students can remove and see the roots below each plant. A really cool process.
The chick journal entries are really coming along great! Each day I continue to give the student key vocabulary words and they write about what happens. The children are really getting excited as we get closer to the hatching date. However, we are starting to see some blood rings which is a sign of the chicks not developing because of improper temperatures, improper disinfecting or holding eggs at temperatures above 80 degrees before incubation. Not all the eggs have blood rings so I sure it is not improper temperatures.

Here are the entries from yesterday.
Day 13
father did tak Kare of the chic
*Father took care of the chicks.*
we cand the eggs bee kus is a candl day
*We candled the eggs because it is a candling day.*
Day 13
We had the 1st grade com over to woch us candl the eggs. We took one egg out
We had the 1st graders come over to watch us candle the eggs. We took one egg out.
Today we cand. Ther 21 eggs. Wat Hav Embryos.
*Today we candled. There was 21 eggs that have embryos.*
Day .13
we olee hav 21 embryos in the in curator and we olee had to tac 1 egg out.
*We only have 21 embryos in the incubator and we only had to take 1 egg out.*
Day 13
Today M rs Murley We candl
*Today Mrs. Murley candled the eggs.*
Day 13
1st grad came in. We sol som vein's and som heart's
*The 1st graders came in. We saw some veins and some hearts.*
Day 13.
To tody mrs. Murley flipt the eggs to x's.
*Today Mrs. Murley flipped the eggs to X’s.*
Day 13.
Today Mrs. Murley flipd the eggs to x's. And we candled the eggs. It is 8 mor days intil the eggs hatch.
*Today Mrs. Murley flipped the eggs to X’s and we candled the eggs. It is going to be 8 more days until the eggs hatch.*

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