About Me

Hello! My name is Mrs. Murley. I am a graduate from Clarke University with a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Elementary Education with a Reading and Coaching Endorsement. I have finished my student teaching experience at Resurrection Elementary in the kindergarten and third grade classroom. I have been teaching at St. Mary Immaculate Conception since 2009 in the Kindergarten classroom. I recently accepted a job working at Resurrection where I student taught in the Kindergarten classroom. I LOVE teaching kindergarten. It is a true passion of mine. I have a strong passion and eagerness to teach young children to become proficient and independent learners. I continue to strive to incorporate technology into the classroom. I believe technology gives students the building block to succeed in this technological driven society at a young age. We do so much in our classroom throughout the year with Ipads, Mimios, Clickers, and Flip Videos to develop our young learners. The students become successful, independent learners with all these devices and they enjoy learning with them.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Today we came to school and TWO chicks had hatched!! The students are so excited! We spent some time picking names for the chicks and the students came up with Fluffy and Stripes. We went through the process of teaching the chicks how to drink water. We had to dip each chick's head into the water. By the end of the day the chicks were eating and drinking on their own and the students felt like such great"parents" to these chicks!

We also spent some time letting each student hold the baby chicks.

Day 21
we hav zoom egg mite hatch
*We have some eggs that might hatch.*
Day 22
the bedding and water and food and Lampe
*The bedding, water, food and lamp…*
Day 21
The chick's might hatch tomorrow.
*The chicks might hatch tomorrow.*
Day 21
I think the eggs are going to hatch tomorrow.
Day 22
two eggs hacht today . And ther are 33 eggs left .
*Two eggs hatched today and there are 33 eggs left.*
I Think Ten eggs aur Going To Hatch
*I think ten eggs are going to hatch.*
Day 21
I hope ol of the eggs are going to hatch.
*I hope all of the eggs are going to hatch.*
Day 22
two of the eggs hatchd last night. We poot bedding and wotr and food in a big kintaenr . And Mrs. Murley nedid to dip the chiks heds in the wotr.
*Two of the eggs hatched last night. We put bedding, water, and food in a big container. Mrs. Murley needed to dip the chicks heads in the water.*
We lookd at the eggs be kus we he'd a crp
*We looked at the eggs because heard a chirp.*
The chicks
*The chicks…*
Day 21
i thik that The eggs or goonu Hatch To Moro
*I think tha the eggs are going to hatch tomorrow.*
Day 22.
Today we tuch the chick's
*Today we touched the chicks.*
Day 21
We think the egg's are going to hatch and we are so excited!!! I think 11 egg's are going to hatch.
*We think the eggs are going to hatch and we are so excited!!! I think 11 eggs are going to hatch.*
Day 22
We are going to watch a chick viteow. Two egg's hatched!!! Father took the two egg's out. We look at the chick's. Our mom's look at the chick's.
*We are going to watch a chick video. Two eggs hatched!!! Father took the two eggs out. We looked at the chicks. Our moms looked at the chicks.*
Today we came to school and TWO chicks had hatched!! The students were so excited to see the baby chicks. They are so cute! We spent some time thinking of names for these chicks and the students came up with Stripes and Fluffy.
Day 21
The eggs might hatch on Wednesday.
Day 22
2 eggs hatch
*2 eggs hatched*

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