About Me

Hello! My name is Mrs. Murley. I am a graduate from Clarke University with a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Elementary Education with a Reading and Coaching Endorsement. I have finished my student teaching experience at Resurrection Elementary in the kindergarten and third grade classroom. I have been teaching at St. Mary Immaculate Conception since 2009 in the Kindergarten classroom. I recently accepted a job working at Resurrection where I student taught in the Kindergarten classroom. I LOVE teaching kindergarten. It is a true passion of mine. I have a strong passion and eagerness to teach young children to become proficient and independent learners. I continue to strive to incorporate technology into the classroom. I believe technology gives students the building block to succeed in this technological driven society at a young age. We do so much in our classroom throughout the year with Ipads, Mimios, Clickers, and Flip Videos to develop our young learners. The students become successful, independent learners with all these devices and they enjoy learning with them.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Today was the heating of the incubator!! The kids journaled today about temperature, embryo, eggs, incubator, 99.5 degrees, and the placement of the incubator. I write bigger words like these on the board to give the kids ideas on what to write about and then they have the spelling of these words. Enjoy...
Heat. The. Incubator today. Mrs. Murley. Got. The. Incubator.t.
Heat the Incubator. the incubator is past 99 5 degrees.
Mrs mureley heat the incubator op to 99.5 Degrees.
Heat the incubator today mrs mrley the incubator.
99.5 bi the chocbord incubator sit on the desc embr yo temperature
Heat the incubator. The incubator is Stortid it is past 99.5 degrees. the incubator is biy the choc Bord.and the incubator is siting on a desc.
Heat the incubator. Today Mrs. Murley setid the incubator.
Heat the incubator. We are having trubl with the incubator. It is the way a of aggs.
Pictures to come...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Going into a busy busy week!

Good morning! I took yesterday off of school and had a wonderful day! It was beautiful outside with all the snow on the trees! I would like to let everyone know about some of the wonderful things we are doing in our classrooms.

This upcoming week is a big week for the kids! We get to start the incubating process!! Let the journal topics begin!! Tuesday we will begin with heating the incubator and Wednesday the eggs will come! I am getting the eggs from a parent in the classroom and my parents. We should be able to have about 20 eggs if not a few more! I have already set up homes for the chicks after they are born. As of now my thoughts are to keep the chicks for a few days after they hatch. If they are not to big of a distraction I would love to keep them until conferences so the parents can see what we have been doing!

Other things we have been doing in the classroom is "writing the room." This is something I introduce in the middle to end of the school year. The students need to look for words in the classroom, count the number of letters that word has, and then write it in the correct box. I will try to upload this at a later time.

Another thing I would LOVE for everyone to try is "Fun Phonics" books. I have the hard copies of these in my classroom but they are online to. I think using this website on iPads and having the students read from it would be a wonderful idea! These books start off with the introduction of each vowel sounds (short a, e, i, o, and u). They use many words that deal with these short vowels as possible. As of now I have all but a few of my students reading the Pals books. These books put all the reading skills together and get more difficult quick. The students love it though because they look at it as they are reading "chapter books" and "(they) are just like the big kids." Check out the website~ http://www.funphonics.com/
While using these books, I continue to use my "Rigby" series and skills that go with it.

I also do individual spelling lists. This allows the students to succeed at their own level. I give each student a list of words. These lists will range from just successfully completing the alphabet (this is the very first spelling test I give toward the beginning of the year) to a list of 10 words including a challenge word like the "January." If the child continues to get 100% on their spelling test on Friday I might bump them up to more words. They have to get the word correct to move on from it. So, some students might have one word that is the same for two weeks in a row because they got it wrong on the test.

I will make sure I upload some of these ideas so you can see what I am talking about. You are more than welcome to use whatever you would like. I am a true believer of using what is there!! Enjoy!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Here are the rest of the journal entries from yesterday!
Today Mrs. Murley got the incubator out I iik egg I thak thar is gone to beh ten egg

Tobay Mrs Murley got the incubator out. Mab wil haf 10 cute ch icks. webnesnbay the eggs are coomin.
I love the chicks. Today Mrs. Murley got the incubator out.
I like the chick.

I Sey the incubator. We get The Eggs on Wednesbay.
Today mrs morally got the incubator out. I think thing Gowing to be 30chicks.

I thought the students did a wonderful job on their first journal entry!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Journaling before the eggs come!

Each student wrote in their journals about the upcoming events as we begin the egg hatching process. Then they typed out their journals on iPads and emailed them to me. Like I said below, we are really incorporating all aspects of the Kindergarten curriculum. We really like using technology in our classroom so we do a lot of journaling on them. Below is some of the journal entries I have received today from the students. These are NOT corrected in any way. Please keep in mind that not only are these student journaling on their own, forming sentences etc. but they are also taking what they wrote and converting it onto the iPad. These are some HIGH leveled skills!

Today mrs. Murley got the incubator out. It's white I think wer going to have 20 chicks to put in the incubator. Or morer. I think thar going to be yellow

Today Mrs. Murley got the incubator out. The incubator nedes to bee 99.5 degrees. It will bee 21 day. Ther mit bee 20 eggs.

Today Mrs Murley goet the incubator out uv the box. We are going to hach chicks on Thursday I hope we got to touch the chicks.

Today mrs murley got the incubator out. The eggs are cuming.

The rest of the students will have their entries in tomorrow.

I have uploaded a calendar for our chicken hatching process. With each day I tell what we are doing. I also made a calendar of my own listing journal ideas for that day. We have started reading books about chicks, chickens, hens, and rosters. I have introduced a lot of vocabulary to the students like incubator, candling, testing, embryo, hen, roster, hatchery, male, female, broiler farm. breeding, down, free-range farm, grains, hatch, and yolk. The students are just loving it. My first year doing this we videotaped the hatching. So, I have been showing the students the end results and they just can't wait! I found excellent books from Keystone which I will list at a later date.
This whole process really ties in all different areas of my curriculum. I have the student journal daily about the process. During their journaling they predict and confirm their predictions. They also learn vocabulary and use it in sentences. They develop their understanding of sentence structure and ending marks. And lastly, they become very detailed illustrators because they care so much about this topic! I also get many books that relate to hatching chicken eggs and set these books out. The students LOVE looking at them. They often go to the library and look for "chicken" books!
It really is a fun part of the year because my students are becoming more independent and writing and reading on their own! I really enjoy it!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Good morning!!
It is great to be back after a three-day-weekend! This week the kindergarten class will be doing lots of fun and exciting things! We will be finishing our quilt that we made to be auctioned off at the Extravaganza. We will be continuing the process of writing our own book-YES in Kindergarten!! And, lastly, we will start getting ready to become parents to little chicks! This is a very exciting time in the Kindergarten classroom!! I will make sure we take lots of pictures and upload them right away!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I am currently a kindergarten teacher in my third year and I am loving every minute of it! The love the kids have for school, classmates, and the work they do is just outstanding! I love it!! I have been reading a lot of blogs and I thought I would create one myself and share all the ideas I have came up with these last three years and will continue to upload and share ideas I come out with. I hope you enjoy what I have and continue to come back for updates and more ideas.